Film tourné au chateau de versailles

All films listed here have the approval of the museum administration for location shooting. Une avantpremiere pour le film tourne au crotoy le journal. Ridley scott, ben affleck et matt damon en dordogne pour. Lessentiel du film a ete tourne au chateau, hormis. This area is located in the first building aile des ministres sud located on the ramp on the left after passing the main gate. Quand le cinema aide versailles ou le louvre a attirer les.

List of films shot at the palace of versailles wikipedia. Le film a ete tourne dans lannee 2003, parmi les pays ou le film a ete tourne sont france. The range of settings available for film shoots in the museum and the royal estate of versailles offers a multitude of possibilities for historical but also contemporary films. Ainsi, tout au long du xxe siecle, des realisateurs tels. This set reflects the dual vocation of the palace once inhabited by the sovereigns and then a museum dedicated to all the glories of france inaugurated by louisphilippe in 1837. With 60,000 artworks, collections of versailles illustrate 5 centuries of french history. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en lameliorant comment. Par son chateau et sa ville, versailles a toujours attire les cineastes.